Mike’s Blog #1 – Podcasting is no BS


Recently, I was guest on the Mr. BS Show, a podcast out of Colorado. That show is run by my “name brother”, Matt Seibert (no relation). As you’ll hear in the episode, despite spelling our last names the same way, we pronounce them opposite of one another.

It was a really fun experience that I’m anxious to do again when time and schedules line up again. The reason why I’m sharing this with you is that I would not have been able to have this experience without KGRG. When you become a part of the Broadcast Journalism program here at Green River College, you’ll get the opportunity to connect and network with people in ways you never thought were possible. It’s more than just being on the air (but that part is undeniably cool as well)!

Below is somewhat of a visual companion for the episode, as well as additional links to some of things I talk about during the podcast.

Also, be advised that The Mr. BS Show is a NSFW podcast with mature language throughout.
(That’s a verbose way of saying that we swear. A lot.)

If you want to be a KGRG-FM DJ like me, then here’s where you can get started:

Feb2016banner-2 GR_logo_Grn

Catch the OTHER show I’m on: The Buzz every WEDNESDAY through FRIDAY from 6-9am (PST)
Click the image to go to their ON DEMAND page.

Buzz Logo (2)

Another similarity Matt and I have is that Chris from HitchBAT was my first interview also, same as The Mr. BS Show.
Check out that interview here:

…And if you’re not sure what Shelbyville is, it’s a Simpsons reference.

Here is that Star Wars Podcast that I was talking about during the Ned’s Notes segment:

And this that infamous Tweet I sent that inspired my story for Mr. McTuggins…

For a live reenactment of the entire “Philly Bro” saga, check out my GET OFF MY LAWN segment during this episode of the Buzz:

John Travolta IS Robert Shapiro as Tommy Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on The People V. O.J. Simpson
oj-travolta1    vc_anniv_tommy_vercetti_rockstar

Here’s a little of what the world of Marvel 2099 that I’d travel to with Steve the Knight looks like, incuding Ghost Rider 2099:
1811820-spider_man_2099__1992_   Punisher2099   104324-18412-107928-1-ghost-rider-2099   Kenshiro_Cochrane_(Earth-928)

Click the image for more information about that…incident with the horse

…And finally, here is the meat in question. What would you do with it. The answers that we all give are…troubling…